Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Subpar Labor Day Weekend

So labor day weekend. We were suppost to have a family vacation at my cousins but that didn't end up working out. She lives in Salt Lake. Me and Mike ended up having an overnight stay in St. George on saturday. I just found out somebody just got busted for a pot farm there.Hilarious! Just so we could get away from the kids for a day. Of course, I forgot my camera. I always do on trips. Grandma Cheryl watched the boys for us. We got a heart shape tub in our honeymoon sweet. Nice, huh. But we went to relax so we just went out to eat and hung out in our room for the rest the night watching a movie. Mike started reading Twilight. He's already finished. He passed me in reading already.I'm only a fourth done with the second book. We both read that night. I can't seem to find the time to read with two kids. Only when they go to bed. We came home sunday and just hung out. Monday was kind of a dreadful day cause Mike was moping around. It kind of sucked until we went to my dads and had dinner with some of my family. So Labor day weekend was subpar for us. But what can you do. I wish we had a better time.

1 comment:

kristen said...

bummer. I know what you mean about moping around. Sometimes we get bored on weekends, and anything that gets us out of the house is nice