Friday, September 5, 2008

Naughty kid for sale!

Does everything in his power to do the opposite of what you want. Likes things his way. Throws tantrums, cries, hits. Thinks everything is his. Breaks and destroys. Screams to the top of his lungs. Runs away when you ask him to wait. Takes from other kids. Gives you grey hair. Everything you want in a little boy. My little angel.


Nelson Family said...

I wouldn't be waiting for alot of offers on Rhett! That picture was worth a thousand words!! Too funny. We love him, though, naughty and all. This too shall pass! He won't be naughty forever!


Tamzen Fleming said...

Funny! I've got three already, sorry, no sale!

Tiffany said...

That is pretty funny, but he is 3. I am sure we will outgrow it. He is pretty cute though.

FallingFromGrace said...

Okay...I'll put in a bid! How about a million dollars?
