Monday, September 15, 2008

Blast From The Past!

This is for you Tiff. To remember us visiting last year in Texas. We had bunches of fun!This is Rhett and his cousin Brooklyn riding the merry go round. My little chunky monkey! We hope to visit soon! The video where Rhett is dancing, you'll see quite a bit of butt crackage. Again from Sara's Dictionary. The crack is genetic. We can't help what peeks out the back of our pants!Hee!Hee! Rhett's such a cute little chunk in the video. Oh memories!


FallingFromGrace said... little baby angel with the bare bottom. I love you soooooo much. Kisses and hugs from Grandma.

Kisses and hugs to Gage too!

Tiffany said...

That is too cute. They had so much fun on that little merry go round. We would love for you guys to come visit again. I love the video of Rhett too. The dancing to Baby Einsteins is adorable.