Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Smell the Roses

So finally all of my flowers for the first time, I got to see bloom at the same time. We redid our yard end of spring or beginning of summer and they were just itty bitty stems with a couple of flowers. and all summer just a few would blossom in their own time. Never at the same time. I was getting a little worried about one. It never grew a flower after the first time. Then just recently we got one. It's the one by our front door. The single pink rose. I'm very proud of our luscious garden growing in our front yard. It's a first for me. I got some of the flowers a little late in the pics. Some are starting to die. But I'm just trying to enjoy them while I still can. Everything you see in the pictures were all tiny little plants before.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What's going on?
So Gage is a major choker. Ever since he was born he would choke on his own spit. Now the smallest things he puts in his mouth he chokes or gags on them. The kid scares the crap out of me! I made him some mashed bananas for lunch yesterday. They were a little chunky every bite he gagged and spit out the chunks. I'm thinking he isn't at all ready for the chunky baby food yet. He's starting to pull himself up on things but only one problem he thinks he can walk too.I don't know what the boy's thinking. He'll just slightly turn himself around and let go like he's gonna walk off. He gets so ahead of himself. My little confident boy! Mike and I can see that Rhett and Gage are slowly becoming a team against us. They absolutely adore each other. Rhett is always saying "oh cute mom" or "Funny mom". About his little brother Gage. Gage just follows Rhett where ever he goes and Rhett loves it. They both are obsessed with playing with cords. It drives us crazy! Gage loves those electrical sockets. So we have child proof covers on every one in the house. I have a feeling the trouble is only starting. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Gage is getting two more teeth on top. He is growing fangs. So he's turning into a vampire!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Raffle Tickets for a Good Cause!
So Callie the little girl who got ran over. If you would like to see her story of what actually happened go here. You will also see her progress. They are also doing a raffle if you'd like to see the raffle go here. Bye a few raffle tickets maybe you'll win something. There are cute things. It gives you all the information of what to do.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Murder Mystery
Monday, September 15, 2008
Blast From The Past!
This is for you Tiff. To remember us visiting last year in Texas. We had bunches of fun!This is Rhett and his cousin Brooklyn riding the merry go round. My little chunky monkey! We hope to visit soon! The video where Rhett is dancing, you'll see quite a bit of butt crackage. Again from Sara's Dictionary. The crack is genetic. We can't help what peeks out the back of our pants!Hee!Hee! Rhett's such a cute little chunk in the video. Oh memories!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Gage's first cut
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Callie Jayne is a little one year old girl that just got ran over by a car. She is my sister-in-law, Fauns niece. She is in the hospital doing o.k. so far. If you would like to here her story or make a donation please go here. Please pass it on if you can. Your thoughts and prayers are wonderful also.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So a few things went on yesterday.Mike called me after he got out of work. He told me he had left a crack in his window so it wouldn't be to hot in his car. After work he got in his car and there were about 40 angry bees flying around in his car trying to get out. He just jumped out and left the door open so they could fly out. I think it is very weird that they would just decide to go in his car on there own. What I think happened is they got planted there. That's my take. He told me his work buddy didn't have any. Maybe there is somebody that doesn't like him?! But anyway The boys I think are starting to get a cold. They both have runny noses and Rhett used my pants that I was wearing as a snot rag. It was sooo... disgusting! Rhett was very grumpy yesterday cause he didn't take his nap then finally fell asleep on the floor in our living room after crying forever because of something that he wasn't aloud to have. Gage woke him up and he was grumpy all over again. We had a pretty long day yesterday. Gage was pretty happy though he's always pretty happy. He discovered his own shadow and thought was the coolest thing. He would make little movements with his hand above the floor to see his shadow. He loves to playwith the curtains to our back porch. He just laughs and talks while he's laying on his back tugging at them. The bike Rhett got for his Birthday Gage loves that thing too. He just sits in it with pride. Like mom look what I'm doing. I'm a big boy! We have very proud boys in our family. Which is a good thing.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Rhett!
Today is Rhett's Birthday and he has had a fulfilling one. He has had pretty much a two day birthday. He went to the shark reef Saturday at the Mandalay Bay. He absolutely loved it! On our way out we were walking by a wall that had a bunch of statue cut outs of body parts. I thought maybe he won't notice them and sure enough he pointed out boobs on the wall. He said "that one". Of course his father was very proud we just both kind of laughed. Sunday he had a party at grandma Peggy's house, or should I say maama as Rhett would call her. But still he made out with a few presents.Grandma made a feast for many more people than there were. Thanks for that delicious meal by the way. I just gained two pounds that I had lost. This week I have to work at the gym a little harder (heehee). Mike made the birthday cake . You did a good job sweety. He doesn't think he did a good job. Rhett has alot more toys and books so he'll be set for the next year he doesn't know what to do with all the stuff he got ! But he had a fun and pretty darn good birthday . Happy Birthday! I love you Rhett!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Naughty kid for sale!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Subpar Labor Day Weekend
So labor day weekend. We were suppost to have a family vacation at my cousins but that didn't end up working out. She lives in Salt Lake. Me and Mike ended up having an overnight stay in St. George on saturday. I just found out somebody just got busted for a pot farm there.Hilarious! Just so we could get away from the kids for a day. Of course, I forgot my camera. I always do on trips. Grandma Cheryl watched the boys for us. We got a heart shape tub in our honeymoon sweet. Nice, huh. But we went to relax so we just went out to eat and hung out in our room for the rest the night watching a movie. Mike started reading Twilight. He's already finished. He passed me in reading already.I'm only a fourth done with the second book. We both read that night. I can't seem to find the time to read with two kids. Only when they go to bed. We came home sunday and just hung out. Monday was kind of a dreadful day cause Mike was moping around. It kind of sucked until we went to my dads and had dinner with some of my family. So Labor day weekend was subpar for us. But what can you do. I wish we had a better time.
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