Monday, August 25, 2008


So the book Twilight is awesome! I know I'm a little behind everyone else in the books. At least the movie isn't out yet. The trailer gave me chills though. I'm so excited to see the movie. I have to apologize to my husband but edward is hot!!! Of course not as hot as my hubby. It's o.k. to have a crush on a fictional character right? It doesn't count in real life. Anyway those of you who have not read the book I suggest that you give it a try. I'm pretty sure though that I'm the only one who hasn't read the whole series yet.


Sanders said...

You are not the only one who hasn't read it, Faun hasn't :0p Maybe if both of work on her, she might finally read it. So are you starting on New Moon?

Pili said...

don't worry, we all have a crush on the vampire. ty said I wasn't allowed to read anymore books for a while. He said I was neglecting the family.

Nelsons said...

i haven't read them so don't worry!

kristen said...

I have other friends who are jsut now starting the series. Keep reading! That's awesome that Mike is reading them too. What does he think?