Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So last weekend we had gone to cosco. We were checking out and rhett hit the lady that was helping put stuff in the basket it was so embarassing. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing . Lately he has been really out of hand .Hitting, yelling, talking back, you name it any ideas of what to do. I think i've ran out of things I can think of. He is being so bad!!! I feel like there is no control over him. I wonder if it's his age or it's some other problem. Any advice would be nice?


Jase, Tate & Gav said...

Tell him that if he ever hits the lady at the store the security gaurds are going to take him to jail. Maybe that will scare him. Ha ha.

kristen said...

I think every parent asks themselves this question. I did a google search for some "toddler discipline"'s some links. But nto everything applies to every child. Kids are tough. I have a hard time with the setting limits and being consistent parts.