so yesterday my hubby was working overtime. Rhett came into my room to wake me up. He says, daa?daaa? I tell him he's at work. He says "ok ma lets go, hurry! hurry! ma lets go". You just had to be there it was so cute. He says so much now. It's so weird to here him talk so much. My little baby is a little boy now. Gage has two teeth already. He just turned 8 months over the weekend. And I think he just might be as loud as rhett or even louder. He has a set of lungs on him. I can't believe how time passes.
Hey Sara! It has been forever since I've seen you! Your boys are SO cute! It's pretty crazy we both have a Gage and what's also funny is that Matt wanted Garrett because he likes "Rhett" as a shortened up version. ha ha I'm glad you found me on here! We'll have to keep in touch!
It is so fun that they are growing up and becoming little people, but so sad at the same time. Your boys are so adorable. I wish we got to see you more often.
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