Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008
So the book Twilight is awesome! I know I'm a little behind everyone else in the books. At least the movie isn't out yet. The trailer gave me chills though. I'm so excited to see the movie. I have to apologize to my husband but edward is hot!!! Of course not as hot as my hubby. It's o.k. to have a crush on a fictional character right? It doesn't count in real life. Anyway those of you who have not read the book I suggest that you give it a try. I'm pretty sure though that I'm the only one who hasn't read the whole series yet.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
So last weekend we had gone to cosco. We were checking out and rhett hit the lady that was helping put stuff in the basket it was so embarassing. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing . Lately he has been really out of hand .Hitting, yelling, talking back, you name it any ideas of what to do. I think i've ran out of things I can think of. He is being so bad!!! I feel like there is no control over him. I wonder if it's his age or it's some other problem. Any advice would be nice?
Friday, August 15, 2008
having lots of fun!
So these are just random pictures I took in the past week. Mike bought the little pool for the boys to play in. It's a cute little pool and the boys loved it. Rhett went hyperly insane. Hyperly is not a word but it's in the sara dictionary. He can be the most rambunctious little boy. There is no calming him. But he was very happy about the pool. It was for his sake cause in vegas you can't really play outside unless it's in the water or some other time besides summer. Gage has two teeth now! He's been slobbering like crazy. He had gotten them both in one week. I realized teething is pretty much the worse time for your baby and for the parent. The baby's fussy and your trying everything you can to make them feel better. Oh, when there sick to cause you have to be with them til it's all over. All they want is mom.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
This is from a couple years ago but it's the best picture I could find of me and mike Those of you who don't know my handsome hubby here is a closer pic. My husband was very sweet and brought home flowers yesterday. Aren't they pretty? I noticed that I haven't taken any good pictures in the last year or two of myself. I'm either very tired looking or just look ragged. I guess I need to start looking good all the time. So I can be prepared fo the next pic.
Monday, August 11, 2008
my boys are growing

so yesterday my hubby was working overtime. Rhett came into my room to wake me up. He says, daa?daaa? I tell him he's at work. He says "ok ma lets go, hurry! hurry! ma lets go". You just had to be there it was so cute. He says so much now. It's so weird to here him talk so much. My little baby is a little boy now. Gage has two teeth already. He just turned 8 months over the weekend. And I think he just might be as loud as rhett or even louder. He has a set of lungs on him. I can't believe how time passes.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
two posts spread through time
So i finally got pictures up. As you can tell this is my first blog. I spread my pictures out through time. sometimes I can be so dense when it comes to computers. so me and Mike were walking around in Target. In the swimming section I saw a five dollar slip and slide. I was thinking how fun it used to be when i used to do that. I convinced Mike to get it and we had a little slip and slide party with Mikes sister and her two boys. It was just as fun as I thought it would be. Rhett wanted to take over the whole thing for himself just so he could drink the water spraying out of it. So we had to hold him back just so everyone could get a turn. There are some 4th pictures from before I didn't get to write about yet. We went over to my sister-in-laws house and had a barbeque with there family. We just did small fire works for the kids. They had fun.Rhett tried to be a firework. Gage he was in awe just watching and observing.Gage is our observer, he likes to watch how things work. Rhett is our free,spirited, independent one. He is very stubborn and not afraid of alot. Gage is mellow complete opposite of rhett. He does have a little bit of a temper when he wants something though.But there you have it. two posts put into one. Hopefully the next post will be much better.
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