ok so it's been a while since updating I'm way behind . These pics are a bit mixed around also. Anywa so I decided to have my own dance party since for many years I've been talking about having one I finally made it happen. And guess what kind of dance party? 80's is right! It was plenty fun to dress up 80's and just enjoy the night I even wipped out the only break dance move I knew and it was a hit! I just want to thank those people that came. I had a lovely dinner at my inlaws house with carrot cake and a cherry chocolate cake made by my great sister in law Tiff. Thanks Tiff! Thanks for all the gifts also was a great Birthday! My boys got a bunkbed. I think it was just about time for some sharing and Gage to have a big boy bed and it worked like a charm they both do alot better together than they do apart! Then I was crazy enough to see one of the first showings of New Moon with Mikes sisters and mother second year in a row. I kind of like the tradition. It's lots of fun but it was freezing outside and the line went around the outside of the casino building. We made shirts and mine said "team edward or team jacob?" the answer was "yes". Why do I need to choose between the two there both good looking. By the end of the movie I decided I liked edward better still. Sorry Jacob your just to young for me! Wait what am I saying I'm married you're hot honey!:) Love you! For Christmas this year we decided we're gonna go to Utah and be with Mikes extended family so while we were visiting in Cedar wher Mikes dad lives. That's where we went for a little get away from the kids by the way we decided to buy snow clothes which cost an arm and a leg! Yikes! Plus we had maintenance to our car before we left in the snow. Tires that is,arm and a leg! We also have been doin little Christmasy things with the kids since Mikes sister is here visiting with her little girl til they have to move to Florida. It's gonna be a while til we see them again. Rhett and his cousin Brooklyn made Ginger bread houses that grandma bought for them Mike made it and rhett added the candy. Rhett's awesome Robot he made! The kid loves robots I asked if it was wall-e and he said no it's a transformer! So that's that I still have another post to make of Gage's second Birthday so be prepared for more fun!
Monday, December 7, 2009
way behind!
ok so it's been a while since updating I'm way behind . These pics are a bit mixed around also. Anywa so I decided to have my own dance party since for many years I've been talking about having one I finally made it happen. And guess what kind of dance party? 80's is right! It was plenty fun to dress up 80's and just enjoy the night I even wipped out the only break dance move I knew and it was a hit! I just want to thank those people that came. I had a lovely dinner at my inlaws house with carrot cake and a cherry chocolate cake made by my great sister in law Tiff. Thanks Tiff! Thanks for all the gifts also was a great Birthday! My boys got a bunkbed. I think it was just about time for some sharing and Gage to have a big boy bed and it worked like a charm they both do alot better together than they do apart! Then I was crazy enough to see one of the first showings of New Moon with Mikes sisters and mother second year in a row. I kind of like the tradition. It's lots of fun but it was freezing outside and the line went around the outside of the casino building. We made shirts and mine said "team edward or team jacob?" the answer was "yes". Why do I need to choose between the two there both good looking. By the end of the movie I decided I liked edward better still. Sorry Jacob your just to young for me! Wait what am I saying I'm married you're hot honey!:) Love you! For Christmas this year we decided we're gonna go to Utah and be with Mikes extended family so while we were visiting in Cedar wher Mikes dad lives. That's where we went for a little get away from the kids by the way we decided to buy snow clothes which cost an arm and a leg! Yikes! Plus we had maintenance to our car before we left in the snow. Tires that is,arm and a leg! We also have been doin little Christmasy things with the kids since Mikes sister is here visiting with her little girl til they have to move to Florida. It's gonna be a while til we see them again. Rhett and his cousin Brooklyn made Ginger bread houses that grandma bought for them Mike made it and rhett added the candy. Rhett's awesome Robot he made! The kid loves robots I asked if it was wall-e and he said no it's a transformer! So that's that I still have another post to make of Gage's second Birthday so be prepared for more fun!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Ok so it's been a while I've been slacking a little with my blogs! Let's see what's been going on since Rhett's Birthday.. We had Halloween which Rhett got to dress up for his prescool party. He also had a little kid party with all the cousins. Then Halloween night him and Gage went trick or treating. We almost didn't go cause they already had a ton of candy... Then came my birthday I had an awesome 80's dance party! I got to enjoy dancing and seeing some friends in my rockin 80's gear! But I'm not so sure I like the numbers 26! I also had a nice dinner at mikes parents house. Oh yes how could I forget the lovely date night with my husband also. He took me to BJ's and we ate like pigs! DE-LISH! I'm still trying to recover from all of that. The boys have been crazy! I can't take them anywhere without having some kind of craziness! They are everywhere! I think right now I'm having a hard time with them just because of that. There at naughty boy ages I guess. If one does one thing the other follows! Rhett is having a thing where he talks back and says no like all the time and everything is an argument. Gage is a very happy little man but boy he is into everything! Rhett and Gage are good little buddies though. Rhett gets very protective of him. I just met with Rhett's teacher and she told me he is doin great compared to last year he wasn't speaking much. So we just been a little busy the last couple of months with Birthdays and Holidays but there is plenty more on the way!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Rhett's first day of school

For those of you who don't really know Rhett is starting his first official year in preschool. Last year he started at the end of the year. He goes to preschool at Cozine elementary. He goes four days a week two and a half hours each of those days.They are helping him with his speech and behavioral skills so he is ready for Kindergarten next year. And yep it's free! They'll be helping with other things too..He was so excited to start school this morning and it was weird watching him leave on the bus. Today I realized how much more of a help he is to me considering Gage my almost toddler is attached at my hip and I can hardly get things done without Rhett. Yikes!It's a little quieter without him too I don't know what I'll do when all my children will be in school! I'm gonna have to get a job or something to keep myself from getting lonely! But for now I'll try to take advantage of the not going crazy with two for a couple hours!Only one!Hee Hee..
Monday, August 10, 2009
Summertime Randomness

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July

didn't get home til 11:30p.m. which is really late for us cause we're old fogies. So I actually think this is the best 4th we've had since we've been married. Ha! There you have it our Independence day of 2009!

Here's a clip of the awesome fireworks we saw at the Base.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Crazy kids!
My boys have the greatest personalities ever! They're just so goofy and fun. Gage is every where and into everything right now. He is constantly on the go getting into trouble and Rhett is right there with him!But in a different way. Rhett is a lot more tantrummy and talks back a lot lately it's driving me insane! But the kid is always trying to tease us and say crazy things that he thinks are funny. Gage on the other hand is constantly dancing to everything he hears and is starting to say alot more words.
It's crazy! The pic with the book Rhett is reading to his brother. Actually showing him the shapes.He'll ask Gage where a shape is and he'll say "good job Gage"! It's pretty dang cute! I heard him doing it while I was in another room. I actually recorded it but am to lazy to put it on so maybe later. THe pic with Gage holdin the remote. He thought he was so cool chillin on mom and dad's bed changing the channels,little stinker! Then Rhett's big face ! He decided it would be a good idea to steal mom's camera and take a couple pics one being himself. Not bad!And of course the last silly pic. Rhett one morning found Gage's old halloween costume in Gages room and was pretending to be a lion and chase Gage around. That's what's been happening lately with my two little monsters. Too cute!

Thursday, June 4, 2009
My boys
Look at those little boogers up top. Aren't they the cutest things!! Gage with his evil looking smile and Rhett always making funny faces for the camera. I love those boys! Rhett just finished preschool today and he absolutely loves going. He'll ask me all morning if it's time to go on the bus yet. His speech skills are improving alot he is starting to say small sentences more and you can understand him more which is nice. I'm not so sure with the behavior though. He is a pretty stubborn kid so it's hard to get the naughtiness out! He is very into hitting for some reason right now which drives me crazy since he got kicked out of the gym two weeks ago. He is still my little stinker butt! But he is Mr. Funny right now he loves to tell jokes they may not make sense but they make me laugh! He'll say "knock knock" and I'll say "who's there" he'll pretend like he is opening the door and say"pickles" and I'll say 'pickles who' and he'll just start laughing cause that pretty much was the joke. He'll just say something random and laugh histarically it's the greatest thing! He is our little comedian!lol Then comes Gage he's is Rhett little follower tries to do everything Rhett does. They're my little trouble makers. Gage absolutely loves the table he'll get on it and dance or he'll just go sit in his chair for no reason. He spends alot of his time there. It's really hard for any one to eat at the table if he's not strapped in his seat! he is Mr. Friendly though he smiles at just about any one. He is definately a mamas boy. I love it! Both of them like to be my helpers except Rhett has to feel in the mood for it or I just force it upon him! lol Gage will help me put the clothes from the wash into the drier. I'll just set the clothes on the door and he pushes it in. Oh yeah Gage will walk right in front of us and just act like he knows where we are going. It's so funny he'll turn his head to make sure that's where we're going but he has to be the leader! Both my boys are super smart Rhett knows his alphabet and already can draw most of the letters which surprised me cause I had no clue he could do that! He is very good at manipulating things. Gage he seems to understand most things I say to him. We already puthim in time out for being bad cause he understands it for the most part.He'll sit in the corner until we say all done. That's pretty dang good for one and a half. When I tell Rhett to take out the trash he goes right to the door where we take it out. So that's my boys for ya! Hope you enjoyed my ranting on about them. There will be more in the future!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Boom Boom Pow
The boys absolutely love to dance and they love the Black eyed peas song Boom Boom Pow. In the video they rock out and try to sing with the song. My boys are so cute!
Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009
Rhett's First Day!

So Rhett has started preschool today! Crazy! I can't believe every thing seemed to happen so fast. His school's name in Cozine Elementary. He will only go for a month since school is almost out for everyone and pick back up next year he rides a bus and they're teaching everything from behavioral , social, and speech skills. Everything that he needs to learn for starting kindergarten. The best thing is that it's free. For those who know Rhett he is a little harder than other children and his speech is behind so i decided to get him tested at child find. Which will help to see if your child needs help in speech autism or any other problems your child could be having I think this will be a great experience for him and he'll be ready for kindergarten when he is through with this. They decided some behavior needs to be fixed but mostly his speech which they'll be working on alot. He'll also hopefully will be better at home for me. . He's a good boy but he is definately my little challenge but there is a reason he is my challenge and I'm ready for it! So I didn't know if the bus was coming so I was packing the boys in the car and all the sudden the bus shows up I hurry him to the bus and he looks back at me confused like "aren't you coming mom". I felt so bad and told him I loved him and he went off it all happened so fast I couldn't explain anything to him so now I just wait from 12:30 to 2:54 wondering how everything is. Hmmm... It's very quiet with out him and I already miss my little monster!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Yep 45 pounds!
Rhett can lift more than his own weight. He's a big boy so the weight isn't much more than him. But it's pretty amazing a three year old can lift that much! Mike made this video to prove to his buddies at work that he can actually lift that much so I thought I might as well show you!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Happy Birday!

It was Mike's Birthday the 25th of Feb. and Brooklyn's Birthday on the 2nd of march so we put two Birthdays into one. Brooklyn is Mike's sisters daughter by the way our niece. They came from Texas to visit. Mike wanted to be the decorator as you can see he did a fabulous job! well it started with me and then ended with Mike. I got extremely lazy.Mike had a delicious chocolate cake and Brooklyn had a funfetti mermaid cake. It was a fun little pink party for the both of them. I had to put the pic of Gage up cause I just think it's so funny any time he notices a camera he has to smile! Let me just tell you my blog is not so exciting anymore sorry if I bore anyone.
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