My boys have the greatest personalities ever! They're just so goofy and fun. Gage is every where and into everything right now. He is constantly on the go getting into trouble and Rhett is right there with him!But in a different way. Rhett is a lot more tantrummy and talks back a lot lately it's driving me insane! But the kid is always trying to tease us and say crazy things that he thinks are funny. Gage on the other hand is constantly dancing to everything he hears and is starting to say alot more words.

It's crazy! The pic with the book Rhett is reading to his brother. Actually showing him the shapes.He'll ask Gage where a shape is and he'll say "good job Gage"! It's pretty dang cute! I heard him doing it while I was in another room. I actually recorded it but am to lazy to put it on so maybe later. THe pic with Gage holdin the remote. He thought he was so cool chillin on mom and dad's bed changing the channels,little stinker! Then Rhett's big face ! He decided it would be a good idea to steal mom's camera and take a couple pics one being himself. Not bad!And of course the last silly pic. Rhett one morning found Gage's old halloween costume in Gages room and was pretending to be a lion and chase Gage around. That's what's been happening lately with my two little monsters. Too cute!

They are such cuties!!!
that's so cute Rhett is reading to Gage. yeah, kid's can be stinkers sometimes but at the end of the day, they just put a big smile on your face. You're a great mom!
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