It was Mike's Birthday the 25th of Feb. and Brooklyn's Birthday on the 2nd of march so we put two Birthdays into one. Brooklyn is Mike's sisters daughter by the way our niece. They came from Texas to visit. Mike wanted to be the decorator as you can see he did a fabulous job! well it started with me and then ended with Mike. I got extremely lazy.Mike had a delicious chocolate cake and Brooklyn had a funfetti mermaid cake. It was a fun little pink party for the both of them. I had to put the pic of Gage up cause I just think it's so funny any time he notices a camera he has to smile! Let me just tell you my blog is not so exciting anymore sorry if I bore anyone.
Thanks for the decorations and letting us have it at your house. We had fun!
What are you talking about...super exciting....Happy Bday
Don't knock your blogs. I love them.
well happy birthday mike and niece! i love the color of your walls by the way. so cute!
Tank you!
I love your profile picture of the two kids! Good photography!
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