So Rhett has started preschool today! Crazy! I can't believe every thing seemed to happen so fast. His school's name in Cozine Elementary. He will only go for a month since school is almost out for everyone and pick back up next year he rides a bus and they're teaching everything from behavioral , social, and speech skills. Everything that he needs to learn for starting kindergarten. The best thing is that it's free. For those who know Rhett he is a little harder than other children and his speech is behind so i decided to get him tested at child find. Which will help to see if your child needs help in speech autism or any other problems your child could be having I think this will be a great experience for him and he'll be ready for kindergarten when he is through with this. They decided some behavior needs to be fixed but mostly his speech which they'll be working on alot. He'll also hopefully will be better at home for me. . He's a good boy but he is definately my little challenge but there is a reason he is my challenge and I'm ready for it! So I didn't know if the bus was coming so I was packing the boys in the car and all the sudden the bus shows up I hurry him to the bus and he looks back at me confused like "aren't you coming mom". I felt so bad and told him I loved him and he went off it all happened so fast I couldn't explain anything to him so now I just wait from 12:30 to 2:54 wondering how everything is. Hmmm... It's very quiet with out him and I already miss my little monster!
Ssending your little boy on the bus and off to a new experience all alone sounds hard. But I'm sure Rhett will have so much fun at school!
Oh the first few days are hard and then you'll love it. My girls would be so jealous the always want to ride the bus.
To answer question about Teague's action figure collection...nah I made him throw them all out when we got married! j/k. I think they pretty much all got lost or damaged while he was on his mission and he's moved on...:)
He looks so cute! I am glad that everything worked out and he is going to preschool, but that I can't imagine how hard it was to have him wisked off on the bus like that. I hope everything went well. Now, we need a post on how everything went. Good luck!
What a brave little boy you are raising. I don't think most 3-year-olds would have been able to handle going off on a bus alone the first day of school.
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