Monday, December 15, 2008

Gage's B-Day Partay!

all in all

So here is Gage's party it didn't turn out as big as I thought! But all in all he did have a fun one. Mikes mom and Malcolm came, my dad and my grandma Nelson, Andy my little brother or I should say not so little brother came. Gage played with the choo choo train his grandma Dana gave him forever! He wasn't interested in anything else for a while. He got a little walker shopping cart which he loves. He walks really good with it too. Thank you everyone who came! We had a gigantic cosco cake we got and half of it is sitting in our fridge!We got him a little Giraffe bike he liked it the least! lol But what are ya gonna do? right?One more thing I just want to say sorry to my mom if you read this. Love ya mom! Oh yeah I forgot one more thing! Gage ate a couple bites of the frosting on his cake and started balling. I don't think he likes to be messy.


Nelson Family said...

Awww, he looks so cute in front of his cake! Sorry we missed it. This has been a less than awesome month for our family or we would have been there. We love you and your sweet family!

Laura Larson said...

hey fellow blogger! i remember when gage was just a newborn. kids grow up way too fast and that's a fact. i remember being in the hospital suggesting possible names. you guys didn't like my ideas though. kris kringle and rudolph were good ideas-you've got a christmas baby!

Meg said...

Hey Sister Sara! Sorry we couldn't be there. Next year!

Erin Ganley said...

I love the new pictures of you and Mike and the boys. Sooo cute!