Thursday, November 27, 2008

Our Anniversary

Mike and I have been married for four years today. We have two beautiful boys and a home that will eventually be the way we like. And yes our Anniversary is Thanksgiving this year. Awesome! We get to celebrate by eating! I just want to tell my husband what an awesome man he is!Thank you for all your hard work and always being on my side. I love you! Though some of you don't see how tender my husband is he loves me to death and I him. He has a great sense of humor and is always concerned for my needs and wants. I love you sweety and thanks for being my sugar daddy! lol!Happy Anniversary!Oh to everyone sorry about the pics there a little blurry. Our scanner is not working.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!Gobble! Gobble!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Baby!

So yes I did officially dork out wit my sister-in-laws and mother-in-law. Shirts and even the midnight showing. It was fun. But probably not the smartest thing when you have two babies running around the house.My thought on the movie. A little cheesy but good. I think it suppost to be cheesy, right? Even though they're not suppost to have fangs they should've.. Sorry to those that are reading and haven't seen the movie. Caution! wait it's a little to late for that!Oh and Edward was the star of the show! So Hotttt! That is a pretty HOT TAMALE. I apologize to my husband for that! Well there you have it. I wont spoil any more! Look How white I am. you could never tell if I am a vampire or not!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This is what my husband did when I went on an errand.

Monday, November 10, 2008

25 and getting older!

This was actually the day after my B-day . I had a dinner and cake at my husbands parents house . Mike's mom took me shopping she always gives that awesome gift to me every year. Thanks peggy! Sorry about the scroungey look but I was totally being lazy. So there you have it my b-day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Turtle?

When mike came home from work he almost ran a desert tortoise over. He called animal control and they came and picked it up. It was just a little baby. We probably would've kept it if it were legal but there endangered. I told my husband that's the kind of pet we should have. We're not really animal people. But I don't mind turtles.
we found a desert totoise in our garage. Actually Mike

Sunday, November 2, 2008

my little halloweeners

the hulk and a lion